aiayPhonics华景分校钟朵朵DorrisMaySpainplayrainscakeLet’s singLet’s singRain, rain, go awae again another day Little children want to playRain, rain, go away Rain, rain, go away friendsinarpstftrspiamlst
Playing Reading Thinking PRT小学英语 (PF3+攀登英语)教学设计Unit 16 ai/ay第一课时一、教学内容与教材分析 1、本节课教授的攀登英语Wait! Wait!Wait!的故事。故事讲述了两只蜗牛背着行李打算去西班牙旅游,结果没赶上火车,没赶上邮递员的单车,连船都没赶上。他们很疲惫和心累。他们通过玩抓尾巴的游戏寻找快乐,最终他们到达了西班牙。故事以叙述为主,
Wee to our class1A U3 Lesoon1-2Dorris钟朵朵BrainstormMagic baga school baga booka pencil sharpenera pencila pena pencil casean erasera rulerGame: bomb gameWhat school things do you have/I have a/anWh
1A U3 My school things Course typeLesson1-2 Task-based teachingTopic1A Unit3 My school thingsTeacher钟朵朵DorrisBranchHuajing BranchTeaching times80 minutesGradeGrade1-2TeachingcontentK
PRT Teaching Plan for Drama教师:钟朵朵授课年级:幼儿大班授课时长:50分钟授课主题:Three Little Pigs Scene8-9授课教材:树童幼儿故事 Three Little Pigs Scene 授课类型:Drama课(PRT)教学内容1 词汇:climb into, a chimney, 拓展词汇box read eat shake dance bl
Unit 8 ea/ee Susie Let’s chant ! peacockpea flea peas peas Is easy to find the pea Please watch theothers check thethe storyThe peacock drops her pea in the sea It’ s not easy to pick up the pea Plea
What is your father's/mother's jobHe/Sheis Free-talk:Let's sing a song-My familyMayWhat can he doWhat is her/his jobPre-readingPre-readingListen the storyLet’s read theday at school, the animals talk
:《七色狐·一年级的小朵朵》:狐狸姐姐????出版社:春风文艺出版社上学啦上学啦小朵朵的小学生活马上就要开始啦一起来看看可爱的小朵朵怎么大闹校园吧第一章 第1节 上学啦夏天到了小朵朵得到了第一份毕业证书是小天使幼儿园发的小朵朵还得到了一个漂亮的笔记本 小朵朵非常喜欢这个笔记本里面第一页就是一张照片照片上小朵朵的头上长了两只小耳朵那是捣蛋鬼小牛仔的两根手指小朵朵他们笑得要把所有的牙齿都
Playing Reading Thinking PRT小学英语 (PF3+攀登英语)教学设计Unit 8 ea/ ee 第一课时一、教学内容与教材分析 1、本节课教授的是攀登英语字母组合ea 《A pea in the sea》的文章阅读,讲述孔雀最爱的豌豆掉进大海里,怎么打捞都找不到。她请求跳蚤先生帮助,跳蚤先生潜入海里也找不到,最后跳蚤先生想到一个好办法,他把大海的水都喝光了;最后孔雀找到
Let’s sing alittle penscount 1-10& 载体 Brainstorm /fast/ & YoursHe hasIhaveWehavePre-readingWho What What in his (音频)--Ben has ao many what aboutGirl 1 Girl 2Boy How do they feelWho can help themBen h