一篇典型的6分argument范文1Vnlf4B? ? ? ? `fn留学考试TOEFLGREGMATIELTSSATVISA文书签证论坛出国申请美国英国欧洲加拿大USA留学签证TOEFLGREB]Sh_wOu-USample Topic:留学考试TOEFLGREGMATIELTSSATVISA文书签证论坛出国申请美国英国欧洲加拿大USAjdyG)3`5Eq5q.留学
GMAT—AWA—1Argument Writing Samples 写作题目见权威辅导(PP2)第258页共89篇:这些文章的价值不在于它们的语言表达(尚有不少不当之处有待改进)而在于它们提出的观点具有启发作用请不要背样文应背写作模式及每篇的理由1. Citing facts drawn from the color-film processing industry that indicate
GMAT—AWA—1Argument Writing Samples 写作题目见权威辅导(PP2)第258页共89篇:这些文章的价值不在于它们的语言表达(尚有不少不当之处有待改进)而在于它们提出的观点具有启发作用请不要背样文应背写作模式及每篇的理由1. Citing facts drawn from the color-film processing industry that indicate
第一集交通事故的困扰Six months ago the region of Forestville increased the speed limit for vehicles traveling on the regions highways by ten miles per l. u2 M B X DSince that change took effect the number of a
普遍性和多样性Universality or Diversity?With the development of globalization, there are an increasing number of scholars these days who hold the opinion that we need amon language共同语 to be spoken by
因为用别人的句子其实是————每个人都按自己的理性的行为结果是集体的非理性呵呵容易出现拼写错误的词:Assumption available guarantee account possibility moreover 承接Thereforethushencesoconsequentlyclearlymoreoverbesides引导结论concludeclaimassertpropose 显示表
Argument 老外文章125篇Argument 1 The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature's Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products Previous ex