北京大学第一医院2001级外科考试普外第三套2006 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferior epiga
北京大学第一医院2001级生产实习外科考试(第一轮)20060308 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferi
北京大学第一医院2001级生产实习外科考试(第二轮)20060607 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferi
[题型]:单选{ of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?} are the mostmon inguinal in women protrude medially to the inferior epigastric vessels should be opened and ligat
2001级心外科试题第三套体外循环装置的主要部件有,除了:( D)A 血泵和氧合器B 变温器和滤器C 管道和心内吸引装置D 除颤器和起搏器下列关于体外循环对血液影响的描述中,错误的是:( C)A 红细胞脆性增大,溶血B 白细胞吞噬功能减退C 血小板计数不变,功能减退D 血浆纤维蛋白减少,溶纤维蛋白活力增加动脉导管未闭的主要手术禁忌症是:( C)A 主动脉向肺动脉分流B 肺动脉向主动脉分流C 心
[题型]:单选{ of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?} are the mostmon inguinal in women protrude medially to the inferior epigastric vessels should be opened and ligat
[题型]:单选{ of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?} are the mostmon inguinal in women protrude medially to the inferior epigastric vessels should be opened and ligat
[题型]:单选{ of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?} are the mostmon inguinal in women protrude medially to the inferior epigastric vessels should be opened and ligat
北京大学第一医院2001级外科考试普外第三套2006 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferior epiga