Have you ever heard about the word typoglycemia No it has nothing to do with hypoglycemia. This neologism?is given to a purported?recent discovery about the cognitive processes behind reading written
《攀登英语网》—免费英语听力课件和教案下载:.climbenglish QQ: 403096966 :.5pds《攀登英语网》—免费英语听力课件和教案下载:.climbenglish QQ: 403096966 :.5pds新概念英语单词abandon vt.放弃 abruptly ad.突然 ab
Antibiotic 抗生素Agitation 搅拌Aeration 曝气通风Absorption 光吸收值Autotroph 自养生物Assimilate 吸收Acetate 醋酸盐Aqueous 水的Array 阵列Affinity 亲和力Amplification 扩增Antimicrobial 抗菌的Autoclave 高压锅Accumulate 积累Aqueous 水的Acetone丙酮
abnormal adj. 畸形的 abortion n. 流产absolute adj. 绝对的absolutely adv. 绝对地abstract adj. 抽象的abuse n. vt. 滥用accustom vt. 使习惯于accustomed adj. 惯常的actual adj. 实在的addicted
A.(able)Airplanes(enable)people to travel great distances rapidly.(add)They need(additional)help to get the work done as planned.(agree)It look several months for the twopanies to reach an __ag
2010高考英语单词拼写专练(按字母顺序) parents are really ____________ about his returning home late.(焦虑) in the countryside has many ___________ over living in the city.(优势) most of
浅谈母语思维对英语阅读理解的影响 t _blank 文艺生活·文海艺苑 2010年第4期clean the blackboard.我让他擦黑板以上五种最基本的句子结构充分说明现代英汉语言之间存在着极大的相似之处这种相似之处在不同程度上对英语学习者产生着影响 将母语思维作为一种独立现象加以探讨的研究者认为母语思维在很大程度上影响外语阅读过程Kern(1994)在调查51位法语学习者的阅读