托福阅读难句精选翻译1. Wearing masks and costumes they often impersonated other people animals or supernatural beings and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle theing rain the revival of t
托福阅读难句精选翻译(4) 在托福阅读文章中经常会有一些句子成分很复杂的难句这对于基础稍稍差一些的考生来说就是一个非常大的障碍本系列为大家精选了50个托福阅读难句并进行翻译大家可以在平时的复习中进行积累本文带来的是系列四以下就来看看吧 to this the timidity with which unschooled artisans – originally trained
TPO托福阅读精选难句翻译 托福阅读除了需要考生具备大量的词汇之外还需要考生具备语法过硬但是还是有不少学生败给了从句下面我们将全套TPO里面出现过的难句全部摘录出来分享给大家祝大家备战托福阅读 species of these finches named for the way the upper and lower parts of their bills cross rather tha
without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earths surfacethe deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humansin some ways as forbidding 可怕的and remote 遥远
托福阅读9个长难句精选--外朗教育 1. Wearing masks and costumes they often impersonated other people animals or supernatural beings and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle theing rain the reviva
如何理解托福阅读长难句 托福阅读中大家最烦的就是长难句了不仅影响理解还浪费不少时间其实对于新托福阅读的长难句大家要学会化繁为简这也是托福阅读备考要重点学习和理解的地方希望下面的介绍能给大家一些启发 1. 定义:托福阅读备考练习中如果句子只包含一个主谓结构句子各个成分都只由单词或短语表示 2. 分析方法:对于难度较大的托福阅读简单句阅读的基本方法是确定句子的主谓宾找出句子的主干忽略其他的成分将