Architects:? t _blank HassellLocation:?Hangzhou ChinaClient:? o Posts tagged with Alibaba Alibaba?GroupProject year:?2009Photographs:? t _blank Peter BennettsThe Alibaba Headquarters in Ha
阿波罗与向日葵 Apollo and SunflowerApollo was the son of Zeus who was the father of gods and human. He is called sun-god. During the day Apollo drove his carriage of gold and ivory across the sky and spread
EPOLL 总结在linux的网络编程中很长的时间都在使用select来做事件触发在linux新的内核中有了一种替换它的机制就是epoll相比于selectepoll最大的好处在于它不会随着监听fd数目的增长而降低效率因为在内核中的select实现中它是采用轮询来处理的轮询的fd数目越多自然耗时越多并且在linuxposix_types.h头文件
Polly Helps a Friend __field=author_idsearch_for=SusanACandelaorder_by=author_idtitlepage=1Susan A CandelaPolly pedaled her bicycle swiftly as Mother trotted alongside her. Mother had to hurry to ke