The feeling of <The old man and the sea>I read <The old man and the sea> when I was in junior middle school. At that time I do not know why the old man persists to take dentuso back. Its so dangerous
Old Man and Sea book reviewThis semester I studied in novel old man and sea of Hemingway famous writer of .. I admire the old fishermans will in the novel very much he lets me understand that a per
A man can be destroyed but never defeated.The novelThe Old man and the sea is simple in plot but profound in meanning. An unluky old man called Santiago fished alone for 84 days without taking one
A Man can Be Destroyed but never Defeated I read the novel The Old Man and the sea written by Ernest Hemingway one of the most outstanding authors in the US which is
呐喊 ——读《呐喊》有感 午后风起平静的湖面掀起一丝丝涟漪轻轻地合上书闭上眼一本《呐喊》就此完结但那荡气回肠之感却依旧萦绕在心间久久不能平静 《呐喊》是鲁迅先生1918年至1922年所作的短篇小说的结集它是中国的名著同样也是世界的名著 细细回顾一个名字从记忆中显现出来——狂人是啊《狂人日记》那本写满吃人的日记是当时社会的真实写照啊恐怖的封建压迫
读《繁星春水》有感 繁星你闪烁着——蔚蓝的天空何曾听得见他们的对语——《繁星一》 春水又是一年了还这般的微微吹动——《春水一》 单纯的话语简单却如此赋有诗意让人看了之后有些懵懂却又似乎懂得了什么就这样 我爱上了《繁星春水》冰心更莹丽纯洁的名字是她给予《繁星春水》灵魂的她和《繁星春水》化为一体用她时柔时刚的笔感动着我…… 我或许不能读懂冰心的内心世界但我从她的诗中感觉到她是对世界多么感慨又对