北京申奥演讲稿Mr. President Ladies and GentlemenGood afternoon Before I introduce our cultural programs I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to have a great time in has its own spor
杨澜申奥演讲翻译文稿Mr. President Ladies and GentlemenGood afternoon 主席先生各位来宾大家午安 Before I introduce our cultural programs I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to have a great time
杨澜申奥演讲中英文稿?Mr. President Ladies and GentlemenGood afternoon?Before I introduce our cultural programs I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to have a great time in has its own spo
杨澜申奥演讲中英文稿?Mr. President Ladies and GentlemenGood afternoon?Before I introduce our cultural programs I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to have a great time in Beijing.China
杨澜申奥演讲中英文稿?Mr. President Ladies and GentlemenGood afternoon?Before I introduce our cultural programs I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to have a great time in has its own spo
奥运精神与我们同行孟津双语实验学校 臧封楠 辅导教师:牛国辉2008一个振奋人心的数字2008一个让13亿中国人热血沸腾的数字因为第29届奥林匹克运动会将要在北京举行那时世界的目光将齐聚北京世界给我十七天我给世界五千年为了这神圣的奥运无数优秀的中华儿女无时无刻不在拼搏着奉献着北京奥运正在风风火火地向我们走近每个人心中汹涌着激情与喜悦在迎接奥运的日子里全国亿万学生热烈响应阳光体育运动的号召以
My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us grateful for the trust you have bestowed mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his servic
主 持 词尊敬的各位各位嘉宾各位朋友:大家好在这风和日丽阳光明媚的春天我们迎来了五一国际劳动节今天也是距离北京奥运会开幕还有一百天的日子在这喜庆的日子里为了祝福北京奥运会也为了祝愿捷安特女子车队在北京奥运会上取得好成绩由市体育总会主办捷安特枣庄车友会承办的祝福北京奥运百辆自行车绕城行活动在这里隆重举行我们非常荣幸的请到了枣庄市人大杨家谊副主任枣庄市赵联冠副市长市政协李华中副主席枣