节日英语:April Fools day再有几天就是西方的愚人节——一年中少有的一个心惊胆战的节日在这一天您可以充分发挥想象力让有序的时间和空间在您手中瞬时翻转胡作非为在愚人节完全有充分的理由和充足的市场我们本期的特别没有搞心跳加速的愚人游戏只想在您玩腻了疯狂的闹剧之后走进来享受一片轻松和惬意… The origin of April Fools Day There are different
April fools dayApril Fools DayWhile popular in the .the April Fool s Day tradition is even more prevalent1) in European countriessuch as France and Great he roots of the traditional trickings are unc
The history of April Fools DayUnlike most of the other nonfoolish holidays the history of April Fools Day sometimes called All Fools Day is not totally clear. It is not like Halloween where despite an
Tomb Sweeping DayQingming FestivalPure Bright FestivalClear Brightness Festival
Lesson76 April Fools Day 愚人节'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer,' we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria Macaroni has been grown in this area
Take Away English-April Fools Day1st April is a day to be careful or you could easily get tricked by someone. Its April Fools Day a day when people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone
Happy English Language Day English Language Day is celebrated each year on April 23 – the date when tradition says William Shakespeare was born. Shakespeare has been called the greatest writer in the
One day Tom and his little brother Paul played together beside the well in the courtyard. They had fun so much that they didnt notice that the danger was around them. Suddenly Tom fell into the well c
四月愚人April Fool 上海对外汉语教师的小幽默愚人节这天可以暂时放下成年人的一切顾虑单纯地说着傻话不分年龄地互开玩笑你有没有吃到涂满绿胡椒的莴苣叶子菜有没有收到用西兰花做的棒棒糖这类的黑暗礼物那么掀起中文潮流的对外汉语教师与老外学员们又是如何看待这开心轻盈的节日呢从愚人节看中西文化融合 中文广为传播愚人节相传起源于法国来自西方在十八世纪流传到英国后来又被英国早期移民带到了美国如今中国人玩
2. Love is more than a wordit says so I see these four lettersI almost feel your touch. This only happened sinceI fell in love with this word does thisI havent got a 不單是一個字 它還代表了許多意涵 當我看到這四個字母時 我幾乎