江西师范大学大学生英语作文大赛 作文题目参考议论文:比赛内容:选手完成1篇议论文写作(字数为500左右)考查选手的判断分析 逻辑思辨评价论述等能力展示选手的知识广度视野维度思想深度等综合素质议论文1:Given the importance of human creativity one would think it should have a high priority among o
1226新作文题目(此次网考的作文题均为新题目以前都没有出现过下面提供了题目和范文还请学生各再自去百度搜索作文) way to success成功之路 to learn English well如何学好英语 about yourself.谈论自己 to achieve success in distance learning在远程学习中如何取得成功 father我的父亲 teacher in hi
1. 成功的四个步骤 Four Steps to a SuccessfulFour Steps to a Successful The first time in life Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night by learning the following principle
说明原因型模块 模块(一):Currently XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate(示威) the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1) XX的第一个优点. If you (2) 支持XX的做法 as a result your d
1. For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write aposition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in . 现在大学校园里迟到早
恒源祥文学之星中国中学生作文大赛(20122013)主题:播种习惯 收获命运初中组一命题作文1.快乐是一种能力2.宽容是首诗3.细节的魅力4.沟通的乐趣5.学会欣赏6.亲情永不下岗7.不背时间的债8.别样的习惯二半命题作文9.一点一滴看(人生文明自己做人……)10.邀请(尊严雅量感动责任梦想……)来做客11.留点(快乐友谊健康……)给自己三话题作文12.一只蝎子掉进水中团团转一个印度人决定帮它
大学英语B作文范文(上)1. My Plan for the Spring Festival(我春节的计划)Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. Many people will prepare many things for the Spring Festival. Now this is my pl
英语大赛 山东省滨州市滨城区 滨城区第一小学六年级四班 高志昊 今天是2月1日也是个特别的日子CCTV英拓杯英语风采大赛滨州赛区预赛即将在今天开始我这个华侨当然也要去参赛了 参赛地点是在滨州市第四中学办公楼四楼的多功能厅我和爸爸妈妈乘出租车于一点来到了赛场 赛场里人山人海选手的家长们有的在焦急地为选手们做准备有的在悠然自得地说话好像在说:我的孩子赢定了而有的家长紧锁眉头心急如焚也