Unit7Working with Words and ) craned 2) striking 3) grand 4) dense 5) assume 6)roar 7) clutch 8) shattering 9) fluttering 10) brisk2. 1) struggling with2) pay your respects3) hase up with4) lining
Unit One Friendship(1) 1. bound??????????????????????? 2. appropriate3. possessing???????????????? 4. permanent5. appointed?????????????????? 6. parted7. had corresponded????? 8. gazed 9. notion??????
Unit 6Increase your language proficiency1rusteddwarfsdwellpossessionsintensityassembledalertprobedfingeringawkwardly2spy onwatching forpresented itselfcame loosedrew backout of the reachmaking his rou
新世纪大学英语综合教程 5Unit one 12Increasing your language proficiencyWorking with words and expressionsListed in the box are some of the words you have learned in the text.plete the following sentences
Unit One Friendship(1) 1. bound??????????????????????? 2. appropriate3. possessing???????????????? 4. permanent5. appointed?????????????????? 6. parted7. had corresponded????? 8. gazed 9. notion??????
新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit One FriendshipEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in action Working with Words and Expressions (1)1. bound 2. Appropriate 3. possessing 4. Permanent 5. appointed 6. Parted 7. h
Unite oneClozeClassical notion utility ground occurs goodness as to possesses preserve bound mirror virtuous mitment moral excellence Translation As ismonly acknowledged tha
The Answers to Unit 7Working with Words and Expressions2.(1) facilitate (2)tends (3)hurt (4)ensure (5)blessed (6)trembled (7)curiously (8) failure (9) invention3. (1) by no means (2) take it for