【Quotable Quote】微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)日前接受媒体采访时为传统的个人电脑辩护当记者问及微软的Windows会不会演化为全功能Windows个人电脑的替代品时鲍尔默说:Its aplicated subject. Do I think the worlds going to live all on small-screen device
【Highlights】>Guangdong bans wildlife hunt粤禁猎野生动物迎亚运>Abbott OKs Chinese recall 雅培中国召回美版奶粉>Chilean mine rescue begins智利救援直击:6人升井>Buffett cartoon to teach kids 股神为动画配音教理财>Students abroad drink more研究:学生出
>Mobile phone replaces key制锁巨头推出开锁Visitors to a Stockholm hotel will be able to use mobile phones instead of keys to unlock the doors to their rooms AP reported Wednesday. Assa Abloy AB the world
【Kaleidoscope】>Course in Lady Gaga offered美国大学开课研究GagaThe University of South Carolina is offering a course called Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame Metro of London reported. Professor Mathieu Defle
English Expressions about Mom英语中与妈妈相关的表达In the United States Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday in was back in 1908 when a woman named Anna Jarvis created this unofficial holiday to honor Ms.
1016【Highlights】>Guangzhou curbs home price hike 广州版购房限令终出炉>100 dead in rabies outbreak巴厘岛狂犬爆发百人死>Norway strikes false note 挪威出丑奏错瑞士国歌>Worlds most expensive mobile 全球最贵镶钻iPhone(图)>Memory like an eleph
惠特尼·休斯顿去世 享年48岁?Grammy Award-winning singer and actress Whitney Houston has died at age 48 a family spokesman said on Saturday.Unfortunately it is true the spokesman inspired by soul singers in her N