夏日厨房想COOL就COOL 文/图片拍摄收集?羊城晚报记者?梁栋贤 实习生?韩剑凤??陈惜荣 夏日的厨房,若你是家里的“煮人”,这里可是最折腾人的地方。趁现在还不太热,何不颠覆一下你的厨房,来个大变样,最起码在视觉上,让它COOL一COOL。 欧派比萨梦幻 COOL表情:随
Topic: we can profit from good books:threre is no doubt that we can profit from good books in different stage in our profitwhen we are childrenwe cant understand the words in a book but we also enjoy
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April Fools DayApril 1stThe first of April some do say is set apart for All Fools Day. But why the people call it so Nor I nor they themselves do Fools Day is traditionally a day to play practical jo
Housing boom brings year of the £40k brickieShortages of materials and labour push up prices and lead to delays and rising wages Conal Urquhart The Observer?Sunday 22 September 2013Bricklayers
April Fools Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others send people on fools errands and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originat
Life Is CoolSweetboxI never really tried to be positive(积极的)Im too damn busy being negative(消极的)So focused on(集中) what I getI never understand what it means to liveYou know we all love to justplai