Good evening my fellow I want to talk to you on a subject of deepconcern to all Americans and to many people in all partsof the world the war in believe that one of the reasons for the deep division
尼克松:沉默的大多数(Richard M. Nixon: The Great Silent Majority) 我爱英语网????? 1969年美国深陷越南战争的泥潭为了应付国内国外的压力弄的焦头烂额在越南美军损兵折将而在国内反战运动风起云涌(看过《阿甘正传》的应该对反战运动的盛况有所认识)越战这个烫手的山芋于是如同现在的伊拉克一般成了食之无味而弃之可惜的鸡肋当时的美国总统尼克松为了应对危局
United States v. Nixon 418 . 683 (1974)Facts: On March 1 1974 a federal grand jury sitting in the District of Columbia investigating Watergate returned indictments against former Attorney General John
Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic 泰坦尼克号的沉没【New words and expressions】 生词和短语◆Southampton n. 南安普敦(英国港市)◆colossal adj. 庞大的◆watertight adj. 不漏水的partment n. (轮船的)密封舱◆flood v. 充满水◆float v. 漂浮 飘浮◆tragic
Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic泰坦尼克号的沉没一【Text】课文The great ship Titanic sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 89l. Even by modern st
我们都是地球的乘客 理查德-尼克松 第一次就职演讲 星期一1969年1月20日 历史的每一个时刻转瞬即逝它既珍贵又独特可是其中某些显然是揭开序幕的时刻此时一代先河得以开创它决定了未来数十年或几个世纪的航向 现在可能就是这样一个时刻 现在各方力量正在汇聚起来使我们第一次可以期望人类的许多夙愿最终能够实现 不断加快的变革速度使我们能在我们这一代期望过去花了几百年才出现的种种进步 由于开辟
双语阅读:泰坦尼克号沉没新说 或因海市蜃楼Maybe we can fault freak atmospheric conditions that caused a mirage or an even rarer astronomical event that sent icebergs into shipping an entire century that included two high