Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.Module1 Unit 1 1. F T F T F2. swing slide duck pond 3. N B B B B N4. A B C B B B B5. 1)You were in China for two year
《资源与评价》初中英语八上答案Module 1Unit1基础过关I. 1—5 translate mistakes excellent messages advice 6—10 punctuations meaning spelling correct grammarII. 11—15 BAABB 16—20 AACAAIII. 21. about saving 22. Why did 2
Unit 3基础过关 I. 1. ache 2. sugar 3. educate 4. disadvantage 5. diet 6. advertise 7. chips 8. tasty 9. give up 10. exercise II. 11---15: DBDBB 16---20: CDCAB 21---25: CCBCB 26---30: DCCCBIII. 31. th
Module 12 Unit 3 基础过关I. 1. cost 2. teaches 3. Plenty 4. eats 5. friendships 6. sightseeing 7. were 8. paying 9. trouble 10. encouragedeagerII. 11. stands 12. were founded 13. dont fit 14.
《资源与评价》初中英语八上答案Module 1Unit1基础过关I. 1—5? translate mistakes excellent messages advice 6—10 punctuations meaning spelling correct grammarII. 11—15 BAABB? 16—20 AACAAIII. 21. about saving? 22. Why did? 2
九年级(上)参考答案第一单元一 鼎湖山听泉ǎng chà yíng jiǒng详 稚 嬉 籁2.①昂—盎 慕—穆 ②悦—跃 寻—循3.(1)刘禹锡《陋室铭》 水不在深有龙则灵(2)曲径通幽处禅房花木深4.写景散文 寒翠桥 庆云寺 入夜.①示例:山清水秀 山重水复 风起云涌 ②秋山人在画中行7. 略可以从保护自然环境就是为了人类生存繁衍的角度来谈8.①鼎
小学英语资源与评价五年级上册 答案Module1 Unit 1 1. F T F T F2. swing slide duck pond 3. N B B B B N4. A B C B B B B5. 1)You were in China for two years. 2) There werent any swings here ) Do you like the park
Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.Module 1Unit11. 1 3 5 6 78 9 4 10 22.3. Cc Ii Uu Bb4. 1 - 2 - 35. A M V JUnit21. 4- 2- 1
《资源与评价》(《新标准》九上参考答案Module 1 Unit 1基础过关I. 1.position 2. called 3. pyramid(s) 4. events 5. pupil 6. wonders 7. interview 8. fantastic 9. reviews 10. grade11. called 12.
《资源与评价》初中英语七上答案Module 1Unit 1 基础过关I. A: 1.open 2. write 3. too. 4. fifty 5. years B: 6. first 7. England 8. blackboard 9. city 10. MissC: 11. to meet 12. use 13. Mat