CIEE-2015Fall Beginning II L4-T1Review homework EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìng),姓) EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(míng),名):____________
CIEE-2015 Fall Beginning II L4T1Preview homework EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìng),姓) EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(míng),名)____________
CIEE-2015 Fall Beginning II L4T2Review homework EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìng),姓) EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(míng),名):____________
CIEE-2015Fall Beginning II L4-T2Preview homework EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìng),姓) EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(míng),名)____________
CIEE-2015 Fall BeginningⅡ 1 L12T1 Review Homework: 一、 Translation1、 There’s are all kinds of snacks in Shanghai They are all tasted pretty good (各种;味道)_____________________________________________
CIEE-2015 Fall Beginning II L10T1 Review Homework EQ \* jc2 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps24 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìng),姓) EQ \* jc2 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps24 \o \ad(\s \up 11(míng),名):__________
CIEE-2015 Fall Beginning II L5-T1 Review homework EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìng),姓) EQ \* jc0 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps18 \o \ad(\s \up 11(míng),名):__________
CIEE-2015 Fall Beginning II L7-T1 Review homework EQ \* jc2 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps24 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìng),姓) EQ \* jc2 \* Font:Times New Roman \* hps24 \o \ad(\s \up 11(míng),名):__________
CIEE-2015 Fall Beginning II L9T1 Review Homework EQ \* jc2 \* hps18\o\ad(\s\up 13(xìng),姓)EQ \* jc2 \* hps18\o\ad(\s\up 13(míng),名):________________一、Fill in the blanks using these direction verbs as
CIEE-2015 Fall Beginning II L6T1 Review homework EQ \* jc0 \* Font:华文楷体 \* hps24 \o \ad(\s \up 11(xìnɡ),姓) EQ \* jc0 \* Font:华文楷体 \* hps24 \o \ad(\s \up 11(mínɡ),名):________________1plete the di