DAY 10Part 1 1.How do people celebrate birthdays in your country2.Do you think birthday is important3.Do people in China do anything special to celebrate birthdaysPart 2喜欢的衣服 Describe your favorite pi
Day 9Part 11.Do you play any indoor games2.What indoor games did you like to play when you were a child3.What kinds of indoor games do children play nowPart 2近海的运动Describe a leisure activity near or o
Day 6Part 1 1.What kinds of robots would you like to have2.Do you think robots will have significant influence on our society in the future3.What are some advantages and disadvantages of robots Part 2
Part1 1.What kind of housing do you live in2.What do you usually do in your room3.Do you plan to move to another placePart2Describe a time that you were waiting for something when it happened where i
0831 Part1 1. What kind of housework do you do at home2.Do you think men and women should share housework3.Is it important for children to learn to do houseworkPart 2兴奋的活动Describe a newexciting activ
Part11 What kinds of robots would you like to have2 Do you think robots will have significant influence on our society in the future3 What are some advantages and disadvantages of robotsPart2Describ
十小咒1如意宝轮王陀罗尼?? nā mó fó tuó yěnā mó dá mó yěnā mó sēng qié yě? 南无佛陀耶南无达摩耶南无僧伽耶? nā mó guān zì zài pú sà mó hē sàjù dà bēi xīn zhě? 南无观自在菩萨摩诃萨具大悲心者? dá zhí tuōōngzhuó jié là fá dǐzhèn duō mò ní? 怛侄他