高三英语周周练十三第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题每小题1分满分15分)21.He spent too much time talking on _______ phone while we were all busy at _______ work.A.the B.a C. D.the th
高三英语周测试卷(14周) 制作:HJYLJ 审核:WHS 审批:___________第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题每小题1分满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题从题中所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑21. Summer is ____ great time for ____cit
周考练 阅读理解 AHaving a husband means an extra seven hours of housework each week for women according to a new study. For men getting married saves an hour of housew
南昌外国语学校2009—2010学年下学期高二英语周练三命题人:何虹 审题人:刘燕 一.单项选择(20分)1. The thief entered the room without _____. A. noticing B. being noticed C. having noticed D. having been noticed2. He apologiz
高三语文周周练三(简明连贯得体专项训练)班级 分数 1下列个句中句意明确的一句是( )A这个精致的灯笼将作为今天得分最高的嘉宾的礼品赠送给他B他背着总经理和副总经理偷偷地把这笔钱分别存入了两家银行C这次考试不难但由于他准备得不够充分差点儿就没及格D局长嘱咐几个学校的新学期的工作一定要有新的起色2
2009届高三英语第6周周练(一)Whether you like it or not the rule is that once you are out of your country you are considered by people as a representative of your homeland. To Yao Ming the first Chinese basketbal
2012年高三英语周练九第一部分:听力理解(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节45分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题每小题l分共15分) 从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卷上将该项涂黑21. If I can help ______ I prefer living in Hangzhou because the weather here is better tha
高一英语周周练(五)单项选择1. I must warn you that our food is almost ______. We cant survive if there is no one to help . at an endB. at the endC. by the end D. in the end2. CCTV ______ apologizes for the traf