Monthly passenger vehicle sales in China fell in June for the first time since June 2013 a bleak sign for the worlds largest car market and second largest economy amid a stock market rout. 6月份中国乘用车月销量
Chinese consumer prices accelerated last month but the deflationary slump for producers deepened. 上个月中国消费品价格加速上涨不过生产商的通货紧缩却进一步加剧 Chinas consumer price index ticked up to a year-on-year pace of per ce
SUV累计销售45万辆同比增长MPV累计销售14万辆同比 增长受益于SUV和MPV细分市场的持续增长旗下多款车型集中在SUV和MPV细分市场的长城和长安两家自主品牌受益匪浅令市场担忧的是4月份在合资车企上海大众的带领
东 风 日 产 乘 用 车 公 司Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehiclepany乘用车行业资讯(第五期) 2006110120061131总经理办公室政策研究科Policy Study Section Corporate Support Office二OO六年十一月份乘用车行业资讯 TOC o 1-3 h z u l _T
Chinese manufacturing activity improved slightly in June but still remained in contraction for the fourth consecutive month. 6月中国制造业活动略有升温但仍连续第四个月处于收缩状态 HSBCs flash manufacturing PMI for June came in
Property prices in China fell at a record pace in February underscoring the slowdown in the worlds second largest economy. 中国2月房价跌幅达到创纪录水平突显这个全球第二大经济体增速放缓Prices fell per cent year-on-year last month
Only 6 of Chinese employees said they are engaged in their jobs according to a global Gallup survey released this month本月发布的盖洛普世界民意测验发现仅有6的中国职场人士表示对工作很投入Workers across all ie levels and industries
7月份中国汽车产销快报一总体情况7月是汽车市场传统淡季本月汽车产销环比呈一定下降同比小幅增长其中商用车产销环比降幅明显大于乘用车17月汽车累计产销超过千万辆同比增幅较上半年温和回落2009-2011年汽车月度销量情况变动示意图 7月汽车产销万辆和万辆环比下降和同比增长和其中:乘用车产销万辆和万辆环比下降和同比增长和商用车产销万辆和万辆环比下降和同比下降和2009-2011年汽车销量累积增长率