时文阅读(一)FEW ideas in education are more controversial than vouchers---letting parents choose to educate their children wherever they wish at the taxpayers expense. First suggested by Milton Friedman an
1.添加语素法即在原单音词的基础上添加语素构成双音词或多音词【示例】 操军不利引次江北解析:操为曹操军为军队江为长江翻译:曹操的军队失利(曹操)率军退到江北驻扎2.置换词语法换词法在实词翻译中运用最为广泛有些词无法添加语素则使用此法即用现代汉语中的某个词语替换须翻译的文言词【示例】 若能以吴越之众与中国抗衡解析:若换成如果众换军队翻译:如果能用江东的兵力同中原对抗虚词翻译通常有下述几种情况:1.必
In future as newspaper fade and change will politicians therefore burgle their opponents offices with impunity and corporate villains whoop as they trample over their victims Journalism schools and t
Experts on reading wonder: is the Internet friend or foe????????????????阅读专家不解:互联网究竟是朋友还是敌人? Books are not Nadia Konyks thing. Her mother hoping to entice her brings them home from the library but Nad
boys were visiting a park. They got there in the early morning and there were hardly any people that time they saw a park cleaner singing and dancing when he was cleaning the park. In fact the pa
PETS 2 Reading-4 In the traditional(传统的)marriage the man worked at a job to earn money for the family Most men worked in an office a factory or some other place away from the home .Since the man ea