第一节脂肪的分解代谢脂肪是生物体中重要的贮藏物质,它将能量和各种代谢中间物提供给各种生命活动。如动物可以利用食物中的脂肪或自身的贮脂(当糖源不足时)作为能源物质,油料种子萌发时所需的能量及物质碳架也主要来自脂肪。第一节 脂肪的分解代谢这都要通过脂肪的分解代谢来实现。在分解代谢的过程中,脂肪首先经水解作用生成甘油和脂肪酸,然后水解产物各自按不同的途径进一步分解或转化。一脂肪的水解动物体中脂肪的消化需
Chapter29FFA metabolismOutlineFatty acid oxidationα-oxidationβ-oxidationω-oxidationFormation and utilization of ketone bodiesFatty acid synthesisRegulation of FFA metabolismBeta Oxidation of Fatty Aci
ContentsTG metabolism1) Digestion and absorption of lipid2) Mobilization of fat from the adipose tissues3) Utilization of glycerol4) Fatty acid oxidation5) Formation and utilization of ketone bodies6)
Acetyl-CoA CarboxylaseThe ACC enzymemits acetate to FA synthesisCarboxylation of acetyl-CoA to form malonyl-CoA is the irreversible,mitted step in fatty acid biosynthesisACC uses bicarbonate a
Chapter29FFA metabolismOutlineFatty acid oxidationα-oxidationβ-oxidationω-oxidationFormation and utilization of ketone bodiesFatty acid synthesisRegulation of FFA metabolismBeta Oxidation of Fatty Aci
Ketone Bodies A special source of fuel and energy for certain tissues Some of the acetyl-CoA produced by fatty acid oxidation in liver mitochondria is converted to acetone, acetoacetate and ?-hydroxyb
Fourth reaction: thiolaseaka ?-ketothiolase Cysteine thiolate on enzyme attacks the ?-carbonyl group Thiol group of a new CoA attacks the shortened chain, forming a new, shorter acyl-CoA This is the r
第二节 脂肪的代谢一. 脂肪的分解代谢 (一)脂肪水解与脂肪的动员 1. 脂肪水解2. 脂肪的动员 在脂肪细胞中的甘油三酯被脂肪酶逐步水解为游离脂肪酸(free fatty acidFFA )和甘油并释放入血供其他组织氧化利用这一过程称为脂肪的动员反应特点:⑴ 甘油三酯脂肪酶为限速酶 因为甘油脂肪酶活性比甘油二 酯脂肪酶和甘油一酯
Chapter 7Fat Metabolism脂肪代谢 (脂类代谢Ⅰ)71 脂类概述 72 脂肪的消化和吸收73 脂肪动员74 甘油的氧化75 脂肪酸的氧化76 酮体的生成与利用77 脂肪酸的合成78 脂肪的合成71 脂类概述711脂类的分类与结构脂类(Lipids)脂肪:甘油三酯(Triglycerides, TG) (Fats)类脂磷脂(Phospholipids, PL)糖脂(Glyco
Regulation of FFA OxidationRate-limiting enzymes is carnitine palmitoyl transferase I (CPT I)It is inhibited by malonyl-CoA when fatty acid synthesis is stimulated This inhibition keeps the newly synt