abnormal adj. 畸形的 abortion n. 流产absolute adj. 绝对的absolutely adv. 绝对地abstract adj. 抽象的abuse n. vt. 滥用accustom vt. 使习惯于accustomed adj. 惯常的actual adj. 实在的addicted
高中英语必修1词汇表Aa (great) number of 许多大量的accent? n.口音腔调重音active? adj.积极的活跃的 actually? adv.实际上事实上AD 公元add up 合计 African? adj.非洲的非洲人的非洲语言的 altitude? n.海拔高度高处△Amsterdam? n
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Word setsIn addition to the words in the alphabetical list KET candidates are expected to know:Cardinal numbersone two three etc. to one thousandOrdinal numbersfirst second third fourth etc. to thirty
Antibiotic 抗生素Agitation 搅拌Aeration 曝气通风Absorption 光吸收值Autotroph 自养生物Assimilate 吸收Acetate 醋酸盐Aqueous 水的Array 阵列Affinity 亲和力Amplification 扩增Antimicrobial 抗菌的Autoclave 高压锅Accumulate 积累Aqueous 水的Acetone丙酮
a greatgood many 许多很多abrupt adj. 突然的意外的abruptly adv. 突然地唐突地academy n. 学院学会学术团体院校accelerate vi. vt. 加速促进accumulate vt. 积累聚保accuracy n. 精确准确acquaintance n. 相识了解熟人acute adj. 有观察力的敏锐的
美国数学竞赛(AMC)常用单词abnormal distribution 非正态分布acute angle 锐角acute triangle 锐角三角形addend 加数aggregate 集合algebra 代数amplitude 振幅angle 角arc 弧arc cosecant 反余割arc cosine 反余弦arc cotangent
Have you ever heard about the word typoglycemia No it has nothing to do with hypoglycemia. This neologism?is given to a purported?recent discovery about the cognitive processes behind reading written