Protocol for western bloting Ji xiong at joint lab 07-9-7实验准备:分离胶10gelVolume浓缩胶VolumeH2O ×2ulH2O 700×2ul30×2ul30×2uul10ul10u 5mltotel 2ml电极缓冲液1×10×25mM SDS1g10gfinal volume1L1L转膜缓冲液volume甘氨酸甲醇10
Western Bloting (张雪雁)操作步骤:做胶:下层胶一块以水或乙醇隔离空气待下层胶凝固后做上层胶每块胶配置3ml灌胶插梳子赶走气泡蛋白变性:在胶凝固过程中变性蛋白质蛋白质的上样量按事先所测弄浓度计算准确分装到EP管或按5ul100ul样品的浓度加β—巯基乙醇然后以PCR仪95℃变性10分钟上样电泳:上层胶为安全凝固(大约15分钟)后两只手同时向上用力取下梳子以蒸馏水仔细清洗各泳道内残
Cleaning Validation Protocol for PharmaceuticalsIntroductionThe Validation of the Cleaning Procedures is establishing documented evidence that the procedure is effective and capable for removing
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Network Working Grou
Britain and the United States as representatives of the Western concept of time is linear conceptTime orientation of the past : China as the representative of Asians choose to look back in the time or