The last leaf 读后感 社会工作2班 吴丹 201030820223Prolific American short-story writer a master of surprise endings who wrote about the life of
The little PrinceNotes:(my beloved sentences)1 If someone loves a flower ,of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to loo
Gone With The WindThe novel is set in North Georgia at the time of the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 and beyond when the Southern plantation owners fought the northern Yankees for the right to
3 . s 《祝福》讀後感初三級 雷苑瑩最近我讀了魯迅的一本作品《祝福》這篇小說通過記敘祥林嫂不幸的遭遇反映當時封建社會所奉行的吃人禮教看了這篇小說我實在是感觸良多「祝福」是一個喜慶的日子眾
3 . s 《伊索寓言》读后感父亲感言:这是一部流伟整个世界的古老寓言集几乎每一个孩子都看过这本有趣的书今年在这个寒假我也和女儿一起拿起了这本书津津有味地看了起来伊索是公元前六世纪希腊的寓言作家