MAN ON TV: (FRENCH ACCENT) Although each of the worlds countries尽管世界各国 would like to dispute this fact想争论一个事实we French know the truth:但我们法国人知道什么是真的The best food in the world is made in France.世上最好的是法国
观后感——王婷3月21日我有幸观摩了第一届世外杯青年英语教师大赛的决赛观看如此高规格的比赛感觉收获很多无论参赛教师们扎实的基本功巧妙的教学设计还是如何营造良好的气氛都是值得我学习借鉴的在当天所参赛的几堂课中印象最深的要数世外中学包其瑞老师上的a poem—the four seasons包老师从一首童谣导入通过短片中树叶的变化引出本堂课的主题—四季变化几个简单的过渡性问题后引出的诗歌前两
国王的演讲英文观后感How did give a speech for a kingThis is a biopic about how King George VI the father of Queen Elizabeth II overcame his stuttering problem. Widely considered by all but his father unfit to b
料理鼠王Remy是一只一心想当厨师的老鼠它有天赋肯用功但在它面前横亘着一个终极障碍——用制片人John Lasseter的话来说:It is a wonderful story about following your passions when all the world is against you. A rat to a kitchen is deatha kitchen to a rat
TitanicWhen we finished lunch and went to the class room the film Titanic was been on in theputer every days…We used about four days to see the film Titanic.And the story start of An undersea a
《少年英雄王二小》观后感 六(5)班 张维 黄昏时分山坡上几头迷离的牛不知去向……王二小是一个英勇聪明的男孩日军夺取了他父母的性命有一次日军准备侵入邻村被机智的王二小发现了他故意冲上山坡吸引了日军的注意王二小临危不惧毅然决然地把敌人带进了八路军的埋伏圈突然枪声四起敌人才知道上了当愤怒之下用刺刀刺死了王二小还把他