LTI系统的微分方程及差分方程表示1. 本身尽可能简单并且用它的线性组合能够表示(构成)尽可能广泛的其它信号2. LTI系统对这种信号的响应易于求得(Discrete-Time LTI Systems:The Convolution Sum)有图解法列表法解析法(包括数值解法)例2:解:③ 时1. 交换律:(Continuous-Time LTI System
Chapter2LinearTime-invariantSystems1Consider a linear time-invariant system Example 1 an LTI system2§21Discrete-time LTI Systems : The Convolution Sum(卷积和)§211The Representation of Discrete-Time Signa
The representation of discrete-time signals in terms of unit samples: Consider a LTI system with unit sample response h[n] and input x[n] as illustrated in Fig
Signals & SystemsSecondEdition电子工程学院孔斌1教学计划学时: 80学分: 5教学内容理论教学(68学时)课程设计(8学时)习题课(4学时)2参考书目:《信号与系统分析》吕幼新 张明友电子工业出版社《信号与系统分析》闵大镒朱学勇 电子科技大学出版社3Chapter1SignalsandSystemsThemathematical description and
Chapter7 Sampling12§71The Sampling Theorem §711Impulse-Train Sampling34If 567§712Sampling with a Zero-Order Hold891011§73The Effect of Undersampling: Aliasing 欠采样混叠1213141516172 Consider a sinusoidal signal18192021Homework: 7172 73 76 7922
FourierSeriesRepresentationsofPeriodicSignalsChapter31§32The Response of LTI Systems toplex ExponentialsLTI 系统对复指数信号的响应1 Continuous-time systemDefining Eigenfunction特征函数Eigenvalue (特征值)22 Discrete
Chapter 9The Laplace Transform1§91The Laplace TransformLaplace Transform1 The relationship 22 Region of Convergence(收敛域)3pole-zero plot零极点图45678entire S plane91 The direction of signals2 The position
Chapter munication Systems1Be best suited for transmitting2ModulatingSignal Carrier Signal ModulatedSignal 3§8plex Exponential and Sinusoidal Amplitude Modulation§811 Amplitude Modulation wit
Time and Frequency Characterizationof Signals and SystemsChapter61§61The Magnitude-Phase Representation( 幅度-相位) of the Fourier Transform23452A black-and-white pictureFigure 626789§62 The Magnitude-Pha