What is an Exception6Throwing an Exception13?A re-throw can occur only within a catch block?The search for a matching catch block continues up the line?Ifplete handling in some catch block does no
Click NSPICE Toolkit Exception HandlingNClick SPICE Toolkit Exception HandlingNClick NNClick SPICE Toolkit Exception HandlingNClick SPICE Toolkit Exception HandlingException HandlingSPICE Toolkit Exce
REV-1220 AS + (3-06)
电脑故障提示:应用程序发生异常 unknown software exception(0xc0000096)位置为0x02fe6818 在控制面板的添加删除程序中看看你是否安装了微软如果已经安装了可以考虑卸载它当然如果你以后在其它程序需要时候可以再重新安装 另外如果你用的是ATI显卡并且你用的是SP2的补丁(一些ATI的显卡驱动需要在正常工作的环境下)这种情况你可以找一款不需要支持的ATI显卡
A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32 Structured Exception Handling创建时间:2005-03-16文章属性:翻译文章提交: act=Profiledo=03MID=7499 tombkeeper (t0mbkeeper_at_)A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32 Structure