典范英语61《海象加入了表演》 2吵闹的邻居3皮皮公主的假期4《哦奥托》5《科密特船长与紫色星球》6《丛林短裤》7《来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工》8《蒙面清洁女工反败为胜》9《蒙面清洁女工面对海盗》10《水母鞋》11花朵街的狗老大12玉米片硬币13幽灵船14机器狗15球王贝利16北极英雄17拓荒女孩18我的朋友曼德拉1. 《海象加入了表演》每个身处 =SE58C97E69E81ch== t _bla
典范英语·黑夜挣扎My name is Tess was sold to others when the maid entered the house I met Mrs Hutton the housekeeper Dr Gooch Mrs Gooch host hostess Dr Gooch had a daughter named Miss Harriet. I met a as thin
2A1 Biffs AeroplaneBiff made an helped aeroplane looked wanted to fly went to the aeroplane flew went over the went over the looked for the looked and couldnt find wanted to went aeropla
典范英语6全套典范7(1至5本)名词词性归类典范6-1 典范6-2Walrus 海象 grey 灰色North Pole 北极 miser 守财奴show 表演 penny 便士Arctic Fox 北极狐
Lesson 9 The Big BreakfastA (Picture 1-5)I. Listen and answer the questions: ( ) 1. What was the weather like A. It was raining. B. The sun was . both AB. ( ) 2. There was _________ colors
3 The road homeIf you stayed here a bit longer you might start liking the seaside said Daisy. But Princess Pip wasnt was putting all her important things in her suitcase . I think well have to take
Retell the story
They went into a liked this room.