PR2为24针打印机是意大利(Italy)好利获得(Olivetti)研发生产的机器是PR50的换代产品.它单针直径菱形排列 单针寿命大于4亿次打印头里的打印针为单层排列(线圈为5欧姆目前无法修复位坏了就大了呵呵)合盖打印噪音低于小于53分贝可靠使用时间大于1万小时机器有串并口两种联机方式此机最大优点随意放纸自动纠偏自动对边自动调节打印头与纸张距离(这个打印机的打印平台是用2个强力弹簧支撑着在
Customs InspectionLevel 1:DeclarationGood morning (afternoon evening) this is the Division of Passengers Processing airport Im a China Customs show me your passportticketdeclaration form crews decla
edit the title text formatSeller Decline Buyers RequestBrief IntroductionRoad TransportAir transport(voyage charter trip charter)Time of shipment规定最迟期限 Shipment at or before the end of March 2002.
1. INTRODUCTION By reading the title very first question arises in our mind is what is MPFI Actually MPFI is nothing but multipoint fuel injection. As the name suggests it is a advance