2000年1月TOEFL试题Section Three: ReadingprehensionQuestions 1-10As Philadelphia grew from a small town into a city in the first half of the eighteenthcentury it became an increasingly important market
2004年8月TOEFL试题PART ONE LISTENING1.? ?(A) She left the videos in her other bag.(B) She will return one of the videos today.(C) She returned the videos last week.(D) She forgot how many videos she had .
2000年5月TOEFL试题Section One: Listeningprehension 1. (A) They dont enjoy swimming. (B) They wont go swimming in the lake today. (C) They dont know how to swim. (D) Theyll swim in the lake . (A) T
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1990年10月语法题 significance of mythology within a culture is reflected in --- the amount of time devoted to this activity and the relevance of mythology to ceremonials.(A)Storytellers have prestige(B)Th