XDF P1(NO4-3-1-1)Greatic art is never other wordly it does not seek to mystify us and it does not deny ambiguity by branding as evil whatever differs from good. Greatic artists assume that tru
xdf的阅读教程与真题的题号对应的顺序格式说明:NO4-3-1-18 t5 P( [( ] O m??d? ?? ?是指:NO4第3套题section1第1篇文章 r5 w ` Q- SNO题- c4 R3 }0 C9 w1??NO4-3-1-1??NO4-1-1-2. h }9 i3 B2??NO4-1-1-1??NO4-3-1-29 e y H S) 4 J0 3??NO5-1-1-2??
TEST 1 Passage 1 The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and peoples lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the nationa
本文档整理自新东方李剑老师博客 HYPERLINK :blog.sinalijianspring :blog.sinalijianspring 1996年Text?1Tight-lipped elders used to say Its not what you want in this world but what you get.Psyc
翻译经典: 张谷若 译 狄更斯和哈代 朱纯深 译 《自深深处》 潘文国 译 《赫兹列散文精选》上海外语教育出版社 黄源深 译 《道连﹒葛雷的画像》 杨自伍 译 《英国散文名篇欣赏》徐 迟 译 《瓦尔登湖》冰 心 译 纪伯伦 杨 必 译 《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 孙致礼 译 《奥斯丁》 李文俊 译 福克纳 王科一 译 奥斯汀 张经浩 译 奥斯汀
Text 1我常常听人说他想读一点书苦于没有时间我不太同情这种说法不管他是多么忙他总不至于忙得一点时间都抽不出来一天当中如果抽出一小时来读书一 年就有三百六十五个小时十年就有三千六百五十小时积少成多无论研究什么都会有惊人的成就Often I hear a person say that he intends to read some books but is short of time. H