\* MERGEFORMAT 2 一短语测试选择合适的短语填入句中空白处,再分别用以下三个短语造一个句子。at?all?costs / add?fuel?to?the?fire /?off?the?record 1 He is the man who implements his promise?2,?the?policeman?doubted?the?mayor's?story??3 The
酷艾英语词汇团2016年第五期内部学习 \* MERGEFORMAT 3郑重声明:酷艾英语词汇团的所有学习或用于其他商业用途,违者将追究其法律责任。 Answers短语测试1 at?all?costs2 Off?the?record3 add?fuel?to?the?fire二近义词测试meanders vocalperfume miniature? motif suppleme
\* MERGEFORMAT 3 一短语测试选择合适的短语填入句中空白处,再分别用以下三个短语造一个句子。home free / beyond doubt /far-fetched 1 What is ______is that he is utterly ipetent 2 I just need two more days of good work and then I'll be
酷艾英语词汇团2016年第五期内部学习 \* MERGEFORMAT 2郑重声明:酷艾英语词汇团的所有学习或用于其他商业用途,违者将追究其法律责任。 一短语测试选择合适的短语填入句中空白处,再分别用以下三个短语各造一个句子。on?the?fence /all bark and no bite / rule?of?thumb1 They are sitting?______?and
\* MERGEFORMAT3 一短语测试选择合适的短语填入句中空白处,再分别用以下三个短语造一个句子。less and less / roll with the punches / hang by a thread1 Being an actor isn’t easy, but I’ve learned to2 Though the public cares about the story
\* MERGEFORMAT3 一短语测试选择合适的短语填入句中空白处,再分别用以下三个短语造一个句子。right a wrong /beside the point /behind the times / pig out / over and above /a rude awakening1 Stephen had certainly lied to her, but that was 2
\* MERGEFORMAT 3 一短语测试选择合适的短语填入句中空白处,再分别用以下三个短语造一个句子。day in, day out /mark my words /least of all 1 He’ll be back, ?______2 It’s so boring, eating the same food?______3 There is not much there to at
\* MERGEFORMAT 3 一短语测试选择合适的短语填入句中空白处,再分别用以下三个短语造一个句子。wears the pants / battle it out / dab hand1 She’s a?______at DIY2 Who?______in your house3 Twelve teams will?______to see who is the champion of E
Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.姜哥庄小学( 五 )年级( 民族大团结 )学科备课案——( 董国丰)周次( 1 )周课时数( 1 )——课题名称五十六个民族是一家课型新授课时1教材内容知道我国是一个统一的多民族国家了解国家的长期稳定和繁荣昌盛要靠各民族人民平等
津津中学八年级第一学期数学周检测选择题:1代数式a3b2-a2b3 a3b4a4b3a4b2-a2b4的公因式是( )Aa3b2 Ba2b2 Ca2b3 Da3b3 2用提取公因式法分解因式5a(x-y)-10b(x-y)提出的公因式应当为( )A5a-10b B5a10b C 5(x-y) Dy-x3把-8m312m24m分解因式结果是