2015 Contest ProblemsMCM PROBLEMSPROBLEM A:?Eradicating EbolaThe world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced. Bui
2015美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM)报名通知为了鼓励广大在校学生踊跃参加课外科技活动开拓知识面提高学生运用数学工具和计算机技术解决实际问题的能力培养开放性思维和创新意识我校将组队参加 2014年美国大学生数学建模竞赛现将报名工作做以下安排:1报名时间:2014年12月6日-2013年12月15日2参赛队员必须是西南民族大学在校的本科生专业不限但要具备较强的英文读写能力并符合以下任意一条的
2011Contest Problems
IMPORTANT CHANGE TO CONTEST RULES FOR MCMICM 2012:?Teams (Student or Advisor) are now required to submit an electronic copy (summary sheet and solution) of their solution paper by email to? mailto:
2011 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛 MCMICM 试题2011 MCM A: Snowboard CourseDetermine the shape of a snowboard course (currently known as a halfpipe) to maximize the production of vertical air by a skilled snowboarder.Ver