IELTS WRITING Genarl IntroductionTASK 2Brainstorming 1: Children now watch more television than at any time in the past Write an essay for a university lecturer considering its potential risks and be
TASK 2Conclusion 1 In my opinion though it is necessary to use animals for the benefit of humans. Through their use the quality of life for humans can be improved and this is more important than the
Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzlesOther people feel that it is important to rest the mind during l
雅思学术写作Task2易错盲点解析 翻开剑桥系列教材后面考官所给的范文评析大家会发现考官的评分标准一般都从如下四个方面展开:内容(content)组织结构(organization)词汇(vocabulary) 和 句式(sentence structure)同时据笔者的长期观察高分雅思作文无一例外地在这四方面有好的演绎才能获得考官亲睐好的作文大都是相似的而不幸的作文却各有各的不幸下面笔者将从以
HYPERLINK 雅思考试写作Task 2真题解析—功能(1) 功能1- 该管啥(讲解六篇)060513? 061104? 070120? 070825? 071103? 0803081)060513The shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe HYPERLINK t _blank consequen