Discours prononcé lors de la cérémonie les Justes au Panthéon le 18 janvier 2007La bibliothèque libre.?Aller à : _prononcC3A9_lors_de_la_cC3A9rC3A9monie_les_Justes_au_PanthC3A9on_le_18_janvier_2007
You know you know we started this great effort on a sunny July morning in Pindars Corner on Pat and Liz Moynihans beautiful farm and 62 counties 16 months 3 debates 2 opponents and 6 black 3)pantsuits
希拉里.克林顿总统竞选退职演讲(英文) Transcript of Hillary Clintons Speech Hillary Clinton delivered the following remarks in Washington . on Saturday: ????Thank you so much. Thank you all. ????Well this isnt exactly
希拉里.克林顿总统竞选退职演讲(英文) Transcript of Hillary Clintons Speech Hillary Clinton delivered the following remarks in Washington . on Saturday: ????Thank you so much. Thank you all. ????Well this isnt exactly
Thank you very very much. Well this isnt exactly the party Id planned but I sure like the .And I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you to everyone who poured your hearts and yo
Monsieur le MinistreMonsieur le Président de luniversitéMesdames et Messieurs les doyens et professeursMesdemoiselles Mesdames et Messieurs les étudiantsPermettez-moi de remercier Monsieur M. Wen Gang
Hillary ClintonAnnouncing Suspension of Presidential Campaign and Obama Support delivered 7 June 2008 National Building Museum Washington you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you all. Thank you v
三十年风雨希望中国亲爱的各位同事们:大家好我的名字是×××今天我演讲的题目是《三十年风雨希望中国》 日出东方希望中国三十年风雨历程我们一起见证一个的发展壮大 东方希望始终坚持以诚信为本立足社会服务百姓的观念弘扬正气秉承中华民族的优良传统希望之人遵纪守法诚信为民坚持正义始终把消费者的利益放在首位在管理工作上追求点点滴滴的合理化在认真做好每一项工作时严格尊重事实尊重各种科学原理尊重人的
希拉里.克林顿总统竞选退职演讲(英文) Transcript of Hillary Clintons Speech Hillary Clinton delivered the following remarks in Washington . on Saturday: ????Thank you so much. Thank you all. ????Well this isnt exactly