Failure Properties of Fractured Rock Masses as AnisotropicHomogenized MediaIntroductionIt ismonly acknowledged that rock masses always display discontinuous surfaces of various sizes and orient
Use of Factory-Waste Shingles and Cement Kiln Dust to Enhance the Performance of Soil Used in RoadWorksAly AhmedMedhat Shehata and Said EasaDepartment of Civil Engineering Ryerson University 350 Vi
利用工厂水泥窑灰和屋面板瓦等废物来提高道路工程中土壤的性能Aly AhmedMedhat Shehata and Said Easa加拿大多伦多维多利亚街350号瑞尔森大学土木工程系通信:Medhat Shehata HYPERLINK mailto: 2009年7月6日收到2009念10月30日修订2009年12月14日存取由Ghassan Chehab推荐为了研究工厂的屋顶瓦等废
Modeling and the Specification Oriented Study of theInertial Navigation System on ShipsHWANG Cheng- neng YANG Joe- ming WANG Shun-min(Dept of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering NationalCheng
毕业设计(论文)英文翻译原文院 (系): 通信与电子工程系 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生: 韦 伟 学 号: 010220531 指导教师: 晋良念 职 称: 讲 师 2006年 6 月 10日 :
外 文 资 料 译 文半固态加工对灰铸铁的凝固组织和力学性能的影响摘要金属的半固态加工正在成为一种生产球状结构和高品质铸件的创新技术本文是针对半固态加工(采用冷却板技术)对灰铸铁的微观结构和强度影响效果的研究试验采用是碳当量为的亚共晶灰铸铁结果表明随着固相分数的增加微观结构变得更圆更好增加初生固相分数能够增加过冷度并改变石墨形态与普通灰铸铁相比半固态加工成型的灰铸铁的抗拉强度相当的高其拉伸强
Technology Features Research of Japanese Railway Signal SystemThis paper begins with the developing history and technical classification of railway transportation introduces the railway control s
PhotogrammetryThe principles of photogrametry can be traced back to the works of Leonardo da Vinci in the late fifteenth century. Through his work in the fields of geometry optics mechanics and geo
Green PackagingGreen Package in 1987 originated in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Council published Ourmon Future in June 1992 of the United Nations Conference on
A RESEARCH ON DATA PROCESSING MODEL OF GPS DAMDEFORMATION MONITORING NETWORKAbstract: Considering the particularity of the GPS dam deformation monitoring network a data processing model based on th