Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelExceptionscs1043Program ExceptionsWhen a program detects an error what should it doNothing
Bordoloi and BockEXCEPTIONSBordoloi and BockErrorsTwo types of errors can be found in a program:pilation errors and runtime errors. There is a special section in a PLSQL block that handles the r
ExceptionError handlingException 4An unusual occurrence during program execution that requires immediate handlingErrors are the mostmon type of exceptionJava enables centralization of exceptio
认识throw和throws完成的异常上传机制标准RuntimeException类(unchecked)try语句的一个可选部分(如同if语句的else但语义不同)try {…} catch (E e) {…} … finally {…}作为善后的手段finally中的语句总是要执行的无论catch与否即使try要强制跳出try中的跳出: finally-block 若finally-b跳出 则
Expressa contract in which all elements of a contract are specifically stated (offer acceptance consideration) and the terms are statedOffer: one party makes a specific offer to do or not do somethin