与动物或颜色有关的词语或短语Bird 鸟 1. He eats like a bird.他吃得很少 2.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.〔谚」双鸟在林不如一鸟在手 3.Were all early birds in my family because we live on a farm. 由于我们生活在农场所以全家人都起得很早 4. Bird
与动物有关的英语短语或谚语1. as busy as a bee.忙碌至极2. as merry as a cricketgrig.非常高兴非常快活(cricket蟋蟀)3. as slippery as an eel.油滑不可靠(ell是一种油滑的鱼类)鳝鳗4. at one fell swoop.一举一下子刹那之间5. beard the lion 捋虎须奋勇还击在太岁头上动土6. bell
关于颜色的英语习语-white [1] a white elephant 释义:a very costly possession that is worthless to its owner and only a cause of trouble. 例句:You have bought yourself a white elephant this house is far too isolate
与动物相关的趣味英语.txt只要你要只要我有你还外边转什么阿老实在我身边待着就行了 听我的就是问那么多干嘛我在你身边你还走错路跟着我不能给你幸福是我的错但谁让你不幸福我TMD去砍了他 Goose bumps每当我们觉得身上发冷或者发麻的时候皮肤上就会起一层鸡皮疙瘩英语里鸡皮疙瘩叫: goose bumpsGoose就是鹅bumps就是疙瘩至于为什么中国人说鸡皮疙瘩而美国人却说鹅皮疙瘩就不得
趣味英语之动物的叫声1百兽之王的狮子(lion)老虎(tiger)的叫声为响彻山林的roar(吼叫咆哮) roar用在人身上的时候表示的是大声的喊叫狂笑喧闹等也可以表示机器的轰鸣声 2杀手型的猛兽豹子(panther)豺(jackal)狼(wolf)的叫声为歇斯底里的howl(嚎叫) howl用在人身上的时候可以表示哀嚎狂笑嚎啕大哭等这个词的读音跟中文的嚎很相近而通过我们中文常用的鬼哭狼嚎就可以记
常用有趣的英语短语1 a change of pace 节奏变换You can't do these chemistryexperiments all day long You certainly need a change of pace2 a far cry from 相距甚远The published book is far cry from the early manuscript3 a
英语中颜色的特殊含义 2009-11-22 15:38 (分类: =286081187categoryId=2947464 Vocabulary)英语中有许多形容词都有各自的特殊的含义有时不能按字面去理解green (绿色)green hand 新手例:We are green hands so we must learn from the old workers.作为新人我们一定要向老工