It was not known wether there was gold left in the mine.—— Whether there was gold left in the mine was not . 分裂句引导词it —— it 在强调句中的应用分裂句是以it 为引导词的强调句型结构形式:It be 的一定形式 中心成分 that-who-分句It was Jane tha
______1Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library. [NMET 2002] ____2Everyone else besides his father and mother were excited. ____ evening she told me that something happened when her pare
the time when he was 15he had had his own lab. 1________ bad news made us feel sadly. 2________ you certainly that he will help us check the information 3________ chi
一 考纲分析E3: This example does note to light a defect in English…(2010)数词的误用 数词的误用多出现在有基数词序数词分数百分数以及数词的一致问题表现量的概念要涉及其他词类如名词和某些不定代词E1: The rest is fresh but three quarter of this is in the form of t
短文改错应注意的几个方面 形容词和副词巩固句法知识这类名词还有: crowd enemy group couple public population majority governmentmittee mankind the most popular books written today are those which are usually classified to scienc
附 学生作文经典案例一Seat Occupying Along with the development of university education and the growing number of college students去掉结构上不搭配 more and more problems are brought our attention one of which
12月六级最后冲刺:综合题如何不失分 t _blank 英语六级综合即完形或改错虽然自2007年6月六级全面实施改革以来六级综合这块儿一直都考的是完形不是改错但并不代表我们就不去准备改错了自改革以来完形已经被考过5次了出题者想必也应该有些审美疲劳了换换口味出个改错来考考大家也是完全有可能的事儿所以对于改错我们还是不能掉以轻心的但也因为完形考过如此多次所以足见它的重要性也是不可小觑的那么就这
阅读下面材料在空白处填入适当的词(1个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式My interest in Chinese food started years agowhen I was a young reporter for the Washington office wasnt far_______Chinatownwhere I found some very good Chinese firs