\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids1A06 A Whiteboard and a Blackboard教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 seat座位2 chair椅子3 over there在那边4 desk书桌5 blackboar
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids 1A06A Whiteboard and a Blackboard教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 seat座位2 chair椅子3 over there在那边4 desk书桌5 blackboar
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids 1A01 Be a Good Student教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 please 请2e 来3 restroom 洗手间4 help 帮助5 listen 听6 question
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids 1A03 Hello and Goodbye教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 hello你好2 fine好的3 how怎样4 see you再见5 very well非常6 afternoon下午
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids 1A04Introductions教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 evening晚上2 she她3 China中国4 very good非常好5 his他的6 like喜欢7 cards
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids1A08 Clean the Classroom教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 pencil 铅笔2 sharpener 卷笔刀3 notebook 笔记本4 card 卡片5 big/small
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids1B06 Paint a Picture教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 paint 绘画2 grass 草3 green绿色4 pick挑选 5 give给6 cloud云7 pink粉色
Page Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids 1A16 My Face is Round教学重点Focus重点单词Words脸头发眼睛 鼻子嘴舌头眉毛圆形长短黑色伸出,棍子 有趣的气味重点句型SentencestructuresC
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 Weekly FeedbackDate:________Name: __________教学内容ContentsQ-Kids 1A09 Exploring My Classroom教学重点Focus重点单词Words1 backpack 背包2 wall 墙3 map 地图4 hook 挂钩5 ceiling 天花板6 lig