has two legs but cannt walpass what number can you take half and leave nothing two word have thousands of letters in them 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away 5..what kind of d
英语智力题: what number can you take half and leave nothing two word have thousands of letters in them 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away kind of dog never bite does afternoon always
can you help me with my MathsWhats the matterI dont know how to do this Maths you should do like this...Thanksits a piece of cake. What does Its a piece of cake.mean in Chinese 爸爸你能帮我补习一下数学好吗有什么
one of the following five is least like the other four Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant这道题很简单cat (猫) lion(狮子)Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal而turtle乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋然后埋好再孵化的因此是卵生动物所以应该选D乌龟2.If you r
1 世界上哪里的海不产鱼 2 蓝色的笔能写出红字吗 3 为了怕身材走样结婚后不生孩子的美女怎么称呼 4 每个成功男人背后有一个女人那一个失败的男人背后会有什么 5 比细菌还小的东西是什么 6 请你把九匹马平均放到十个马圈里并让每个马圈里的马的数目都相同怎么分 7 哪种比赛赢的得不到奖品输的却有奖品 8 路边电线杆上蹲着一只猴子司机小李看到就立刻停下车来请问为什么 9 青春痘长在哪里你比较不担心 1
初中英语智力测试题(一)??? 1. I see three men on a bus. A speaks English and Japanese. C only talks with B. B can speak Chinese and English. What does C speak He speaks________. A. English B. Japanese C. Chi
初中英语智力测试题(一)??? 一选择正确的答案:??? apple of ones eye 的中文是:( )??? A .眼中的苹果 B 掌上明珠??? tea 的中文是:( )??? A.红茶 B.黑茶??? 的含义是:( )??? A 基础知识字母表 B. ABC song 句型 ??? 4. 英语字母中使用最多的是:___________ 最少的是:___________??? x
语文智力题一巧用古诗(1)王教授已经退休多年仍在勤奋读书如果送他一副书法作品用曹操的诗( 老骥伏枥志在千里 )作为内容很合适(2)生命是什么生命就是范仲淹( 先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐 )的远大大抱负生命就是文天祥( 生自古谁无死 留取丹心照汗青 )的浩然正气生命就是龚自珍的( 落红不是无情物化作春泥更护花 )的奉献精神二中国古代四大古典名著之一的《红楼梦》里有很多聪明伶俐