SUNTHERBasic Translation TestPrior to Formal Translation Examination 翻译职位笔试(初试)试题:性别:出生日期:出生地:婚姻状况:未婚笔试日期:毕业院校:学历:研究生专业(如有多个请写全):毕业时间::初试结论:通过? 良? 中上不通过? 中下? 较差后续请安排? 工业项目复试其他意见:? 专利项目 专业 复
2018能源翻译大赛初赛试题Passage 1 Translate the following passage into Chinese (60 points) .European leaders have been urged to scale up their efforts to tackle climate change as it emerged the EU does not i
2016能源翻译大赛初赛试题Passage 1 Translate the following passage into Chinese (60 points)While humans have continually improved the efficiency with which they convert primary energy into useful goods and servi
plete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in the demonstration project was as much a test of consumer behavior as it was of new you take the view that youre flawless and that
英语翻译笔译测试题 测试者: 杨雨 一汉译英技术协助合同甲方:宏达建筑乙方:HMK 劳务合同期限合同有效期为一年从双方签订合同之日起计算合同可以按双方的协定更新在合同期限内的前三个月甲方可以取消合同并按其接收到的工人数量全额支付工资如果甲方在三个月后(从工人到场之日算起)要终止合同甲方要提前一个月通知乙方并支付工
14年翻译硕士初试真题集锦翻译硕士英语1单选30个一共15分主要考语法和词汇语法略多有考到虚拟语气什么的但不难词汇也不是很难亮点是今年居然有一题是10年南开MTI的原题2阅读7篇每篇5个选择考了数据类型什么的经济革命什么的诗歌类型及发展什么的教育方法还是心理方法什么的海马研究什么的关于殖民地建设的一封信什么的身体免疫系统细胞什么的3作文500字题目二选一:traditional store sho
This book is about the future of technology. In it we will examine some of the many recent developments in a few key fields and try in a limited way to forecast where they will take us in the next fif
除了每周写作文外我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读 In addition toApart from writingpositions on a weekly basis our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.?经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力而且还会帮助你培