如何通过互联网丰富雅思口语话题 在雅思口语考试中考生们常会碰到可谈话题乏善可陈话题挖掘度不够等问题在网络如此迅猛的时代互联网就是帮助大家扩充口语话题提高雅思成绩的好帮手下面小编就针对如何利用网络丰富口语话题进行详细说明 首先要学会做有心人平时和同学朋友聊天要多注意收集他人的人生经历比如一个同学绘声绘色地描述了他去云南游玩的经历即便你本人没有去过云南也可以把这一段话改编成一段出色的雅思口语tri
1.: NameWhat is your nameMy name is XXX you can call me XXXMy name is XXX you can call me by my English name-DavidDoes your name have any special meaning(You should say who gave you that name) A:
Part 1飞pare with other transport I prefer to take palneWhen I go to a place where is far away with my hometown I will take palne,you know the best thing of palne is fast and convenienceI think p
雅思口语话题:smokingThe nicotine and other poisonous chemicals in tobacco cause lots of diseases like heart problems and some kinds of cancer. If you smoke you hurt your lungs and heart each time you light
环球雅思教研组为大家带来口语话题练习一份主要是对近期流行的话题进行分析并预测了雅思口语考点希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助题目:Tell me about the roleputers play in your life参考思路:1. how often you useputers and why2. how they are important in your life3
环球雅思教研组为大家带来口语话题练习一份主要是对近期流行的话题进行分析并预测了雅思口语考点希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助题目:Tell me about a hotel解题思路:1. where the hotel is and what it is called2. what the hotel looks like3. what facilities the hotel has
雅思口语第二部分话题15:A movie based on a real person or event雅思口语考试第二部分可能出现的话题涵盖生活中的方方面面100教育小编为你整理了雅思口语考过的话题以下是关于A movie based on a real person or event 希望对考生们有所帮助 话题:A movie based on a real person or eve
环球雅思教研组为大家带来口语话题练习一份主要是对近期流行的话题进行分析并预测了雅思口语考点希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助题目:Tell me about a holiday you have taken解题思路:when and where you went on the holidayif it is a popular holiday destinationwhat you did