高考英语短文改错题(1)(2003全国卷)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was...(2)(2004 o 江苏 江苏卷)At once I apologize and controlled myself...(3)(2004全国卷)Sometimes we talked to eac
短文改错一 Its known to we all that some students cheat in examinations at school. Like students we often take examinations at school but sometimes we have too many examinations are too difficult for us. O
一、改错题目:【题目】以下程序实现将两个有序数组(升序)合并成一个新的数组,合并后新数组的实际元素个数为原两数组元素个数之和且还保持有序。【要求】只允许在原语句上进行修改,可以增加个别说明语句,但不能增加或删除整条程序语句或修改算法。正确程序的输出结果是:12345678910含错的源程序如下:#includeiostreamhvoid Bind(int x,int y,int z){int
高一改错专项训练 1一单句改错--------介词1. We often play football in Saturday . The doctor gave him some advice about his . Do you have any difficulty for understanding English4. He asked me where Id like to go .
专八改错练习1One important oue of the work on the expression of genes in developing embryos is sure to be knowledge that can help preventing birth defects. Just as promising (26) is the possibility of u
程序改错补充练习题除第一题外其他程序改错题均需遵守如下操作要求:① 将下列程序输入到项目中的程序文件PCODE中并对其中的2条错误语句进行修改 ② 在修改程序时不允许修改程序的总体框架和算法不允许增加或减少语句数目下列程序的功能是:对英文字符串进行加密处理加密算法是:将字符串中的第2468(偶然位)个字符换成其对称字符(a与z对称A与Z对称b与y对称B与Y对称等等)例如字符串ABcdEF加密后
综合改错练习 修改短文的三个步骤:①读文章明段意②细读句改别字改病句(改病句方法见上)改标点③再读段理句序1.王老师对我们要求非常严厉:一次考试卷发下来我接过是试卷看了一眼99分便顺手把卷子塞进书包王老师说:你一题错了订正了吗我慢不经心的回答没有王老师严厉地说:马上改不要放过一道错题我只好拿出试卷把试题从做一遍从此我端正了有错毕改的好习惯2.我写的一遍作文我爱故乡的梧桐树在作文比赛中中奖了晚
改错练习 people say Excuse me often than we Chinese. In China Excuse me is only used to apologizing when one has done something wrongly or has hurt someone else. Western people say it that when they want
从句改错练习(状语定语宾语主语从句)If without the internet we could not keep in contact with each other so easily. It means can solve the problem of energy shortage. The government should do is to raise taxes on fast