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Galaxy S3变身Galaxy S4教程盼星星盼月亮终于盼到三星Galaxy S4发布了,不过就单单从四儿子的外表来看似乎跟三儿子完全是一个模子里面倒出来的货嘛。这不是坑爹吗shift!像小编这种屌丝心里就在暗爽了。既然长得一样那就没必要去花大价钱跟人家抢个你死我活了。只要自己动动手,三星Galaxy S4就手到擒来。究竟Galaxy S3要怎么变身成为Galaxy S4呢嘿嘿,卖个关子。?
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Word-formation in its restricted sense refers to the processes of word variations singaling lexical relationships. It can be further sub-classified into the next fo
Verbs backformed from nouns ending in –er-or-ar (to loaf from loafer to lie from liar) Verbs backformed from nouns ending in –tion -sion (to televise from television)Sound made by people: giggle titt