文件列表:101 会计概述.ppt21个人所得税记忆表.doc302 会计核算基本理论与方法.ppt4 货币需求-金融基础知识.doc5 金融机构-金融基础知识.doc6金融市场与金融业务-金融基础知识.doc7货币政策与金融监管-金融基础知识.doc8 财政与税收-金融基础知识.doc902:企业所得税季度预缴申报表.doc104会计凭证.ppt1106 企业经济活动核算07年新会计准则下的报表
2010年4月江苏省高等教育自学考试27876 财务会计模拟试卷一单项选择题(每小题1分共20分)1? 年末计提带息应付票据的利息时应贷记的帐户是( )A财务费用 B营业费用 C应收票据 D应付票据2? 下列不属于管理费用的项目是( )A业务招待费 B本期计提的坏帐准备金C印花税 D支付给金融机构的
一 单选题1. 我国的会计法律是指( )A.中华人民共和国会计法 B.会计准则C.国家统一的会计制度 D.以上都是[答案]:A2.〈中华人民共和国会计法〉规定与单位负责人有夫妻关系的人员不得( )A.从事会计工作 B.在本单位的开户银行从事会计工作 C.在本单位从
ACCA考试《F3财务会计》辅导12本文由高顿ACCA整理发布请注明出处? ? lession 8 Irrecoverable debts and allowances? Main contents:? debts? for receivables? for irrecoverable debts and receivable allowances? Irrecover
ACCA考试《F3财务会计》辅导11本文由高顿ACCA整理发布请注明出处? ? ? ?Session 7 Accruals and prepayments? Main Contents:? and prepaid expenses? and prepaid ie? and accruals in the financial statements? Accrued
ACCA考试《F3财务会计》辅导5本文由高顿ACCA整理发布请注明出处? ☆Ie statement:? Mr. W Xang? Ie statement for the year ended 31 December 20X6 ? Sales revenue 33700Opening inventory3200 Purchases24490 27690 Less:
ACCA考试《F3财务会计》辅导11本文由高顿ACCA整理发布请注明出处? ? ? ?Session 7 Accruals and prepayments? Main Contents:? and prepaid expenses? and prepaid ie? and accruals in the financial statements? Accrued
ACCA考试《F3财务会计》辅导4本文由高顿ACCA整理发布请注明出处? Classification of Assets and Liabilities? Assets: An asset is something owned or controlled by the business that will result in future economic benefits to th
ACCA考试《F3财务会计》辅导3本文由高顿ACCA整理发布请注明出处? ? The accounting equation? Financial accounting is based upon a very simple idea:? The amount of resources supplied by the owner is called capital. The actua
ACCA考试《F3财务会计》辅导13本文由高顿ACCA整理发布请注明出处? ? ? ?Session 9 Non-current assets? Main contents:? concepts of non-current assets? of non-current asset? of non-current asset? of non-current asset?