Key to Unit 2Part III 11-15 BCABC16-20 DACAC21-25 DBDBA26-30 ADCBC31-35 ADCBD(36) reflections (37) waking (38) recognize (39) biological (40) action (41) unfamiliar(42) emotional (43) indoo
Key to unit 2III. Language Work1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own ). Forcibly she walked us the seven long hilly blocks from our home to school depositing our defiant tearful
Key to the exercises (unit 9 B3)Language work (P127)in other words1. manipulation 2. profound 3. identical 4. have yielded 5. implanted 6. screened 7. relevance 8. potentialwork with sente
key to Unit 4(language study classroom exercise)Vocabulary Structure Exercises:1—10 CDCDD BDADB 11—20 CDDBC ACDBCWords and Expressions1. 她的身体在迅速地衰弱 She is fading fast.她已经忘记儿时的事情 Al
A brief introduction to Alex Palmer Haley (1921- 1992)American biographer scriptwriter and novelist whose most famous work is ROOTS a publishing phenomenon and international bestseller. Haley traced i
Unit 2 B. 4 of NHCEText Translation查理·卓别林 他出生在伦敦南部的一个贫困地区他穿的短袜是从妈妈的红色长袜上剪下来的他的妈妈一度被诊断为精神失常狄更斯或许能创作出查理·卓别林的童年故事但只有查理·卓别林才能塑造出了不起的喜剧角色流浪汉这个使其创声名永驻的衣衫褴褛的小人物 就卓别林而言其他国家如法国意大利西班牙甚至日本都比他的出生地给予了他更多的掌
Key to Unit 2 How Does a Secretary Work in the OfficeSection 1 Meeting the Office StaffI. 1. how are you 2. Im fine 3. It is nice to meet you 4. Fine 5. Pleased to meet you6. Glad t
Key to Unit 1 How Does One Be a Secretary Section 1 Being Interviewed I. 3. in 6. qualifications 9. graduated 11. Secretarial 13. office 15. main 17. typing 18. bilin
【走进】归有光(15061571) 字熙首一字开甫号震川江苏昆山人9岁能文弱冠通五经三史明嘉靖十九年(1540)中举嘉靖二十一年徙居安亭四美堂读书论道13年从游者甚众时称震川先生嘉靖四十四年举进士授湖州长兴县令迁顺德通判进南京太仆寺丞掌管内阁的诏书起草修撰《世宗实录》 归有光擅散文朴素简洁感情自然动人王锡爵称其作品无意于感人而欢愉惨侧之思溢于语言之外姚鼐谓其作品元明两代除归氏外别无他人 归有光
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