1. At a ?formal dinner it is customary for the man to help the lady on his right to be ?. A ?suit is a good choice for a job interview. Dont wear too much ?. In business situations it is ?appropriate
A. Look and listen Listen to the following statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list. 1. At a (formal) dinner it is customary for the man to help the lady on his right to be (s
教 案20102011 学年第二学期课 程 名 称大学英语视听说二主 讲 教 师陈 鲲系(部中心)人文艺术系教研室(实验室)大学英语教研室山东财政学院东方学院教务处制二○一一年 三月 教 案(首页)课 程名 称大学英语视听说二课程编号任 课教 师陈 鲲职称 讲师课 程类 别通识教育课()学科共同基础课( )专业课( )实践课( )课 程性 质必修课( )选修课( )学 分2总学
Unit8II. Listening SkillsTo keep our children safe from those dangerous criminals these tips might be helpful. First children should be encouraged always to ask permission from their caregiver before
新编大学英语视听说教程1 unit5Unit Five Animal worldPart One Viewing Understanding and SpeakingVideo ScriptPeter Brown: Good evening everyone. Wee to Animal World on Channel 2. Im your host Peter Brown. You m
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Unit 1- Lesson 1Audio Script:McDonalds Corporation (MCD) is one of the leading fast-food restaurant chains in the world touching the lives of people every day. As the worlds largest chain of restau