导 游 英 语ListeningWarming-upSpeakingReadingActivity 3: Answer the following open questions in Training
Unit 1 Chinese Geography Teaching FocusListeningPractice students listening the general introduction of Chinese Geography. SpeakingHow to introduce Chinese Geography for the about Chinese The bri
Exercises1补贴应用于基础设施建设,帮助那些艰苦奋斗的企(行)业或新兴行业的发展,促进新技术的研发, 重新分配收入,帮助贫困消费者以及满足一系列其他政策目标。2如果补贴给予出口商或进口竞争行业以人为的竞争优势,那么它将扭曲贸易流动。3 经济分析能够帮助理解为什么要实施补贴政策,从福利的角度确定合适的补贴(金额), 评估代替干预的其他政策形式的价值。4受益人因为补贴而在国际市场竞争中占优势并
导 游 英 语ListeningWarming-upProper Names告示就是以书面的形式通知有关人员告知活动安排等事项让有关人员知晓 有不同形式常见形式包括:通知招领启事布告更正接站牌等格式安排如下:一般在正文上部中间注明招领启事布告更正接站等标题标题下方为通知内容力求简洁明了措辞确切发出通知的单位在正文下面略偏右发通知时间既可写在左下角略低于发通知方也可写在右下角发通知方下面有时时
1了如指掌 at ones fingertips心宽体胖 laugh and grow fat烂醉如泥 to be dead drink噤若寒蝉 as mute as a fish以德报怨 to return good for evil爱屋及乌 Love me love my 飞来峰是杭州西湖胜景之一高167米与著名的灵隐寺冷泉相邻 Sitting near the famous Lingy
I. Oral PracticeIII. TextIII. TextUseful expressionsIV. Exercisesbasic乌镇take sth. into account to take sth. into consideration 把……列入考虑范围In the process of developing tourist resources we should ta
导游英语CHECK IN(Susan and the tour group she is taking now arrives at the Oriental Hotel where her travelpany has reserved several rooms for them)A:Susan B:Receptionist C:Tour LeaderA:Excuse me, I am