北京大学第一医院2001级外科考试普外第一套2006 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferior epiga
[题型]:单选{ of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?} are the mostmon inguinal in women protrude medially to the inferior epigastric vessels should be opened and ligat
[题型]:单选{ of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?} are the mostmon inguinal in women protrude medially to the inferior epigastric vessels should be opened and ligat
[题型]:单选{ of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?} are the mostmon inguinal in women protrude medially to the inferior epigastric vessels should be opened and ligat
北京大学第一医院2001级外科考试普外第二套2006 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferior epiga
北京大学第一医院2001级外科考试普外第三套2006 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferior epiga
北京大学第一医院2001级生产实习外科考试(第一轮)20060308 1、Which of the following statements regarding direct inguinal hernias is true?A、They are the mostmon inguinal in womenB、They protrude medially to the inferi
第一套血泵是人工心肺机的重要组成部分,目前临床上比较常用的是:( C)指压式泵、往复式泵离心泵、重力皮囊式泵滚压式泵、离心泵滚压式泵、指压式泵深低温停循环一般需要将中心温度(肛温)降至:( B)32-34℃18-20℃28-30℃20-25℃需要与动脉导管未闭进行鉴别的临床上可能出现连续性杂音的疾病,除了:( D)主肺间隔缺损主动脉窦瘤破裂冠状动静脉瘘室间隔缺损合并主动脉瓣关闭不全The ty
2001级泌尿外科试题---31.有关血尿正确的是:A1000ml尿中含有1ml血称为血尿B出现血尿,首先要考虑泌尿系肿瘤C血尿程度与病变的严重程度相关D离心尿镜检每高倍视野≥3个红血球称为血尿E尿潜血阳性称为血尿2.女36岁,高血压2年,周期性麻木1年,夜尿次数增多。BP 180/110mmHg,血钾285mmol/L,CT示右肾上腺直径18cm结节。该患者的病变应在?A肾上腺皮质网状带B肾